Acute Litigation Analyst

Acute Litigation Analyst

Just as critical medical decisions are often best made with the benefit of a second independent opinion, an independent critical review and analysis of complex litigation is usually of substantial benefit to the parties.

The Independent Litigation Consultant


Oftentimes civil litigation appears to continue endlessly, without  specific direction or goals at staggering financial and emotional costs to the parties.  Just as critical medical decisions are often best made with the benefit of a second independent opinion, an independent critical review and analysis of complex litigation is usually of substantial benefit to the parties.


Both in terms of a fresh view and in terms of an unbiased opinion (from one without a vested interest in conintuing the status quo) on the likely success of existing legal strategies, involving a qualified Independent Litigation Consultant can often prove to be of trememdous value in adjusting the focus, regaining momemtum, discovering weaknesses and/or eliminating economic hemorrhaging at the hands of protracted litigation.


Carl David Adams was the Top graduate of his Baylor University School of Law class of August 1975.  He is Board Certified in Civil Trial Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization since 1990.  With over 42 years of civil trial experience, he has represented clients in state and federal courts, in Texas and other states, at trial levels and on appellate matters in a wide and diverse number of simple and complex civil cases involving fraud, abuse of trust, legal and other professional malpractice, business, property, contract disputes, consumer, employment and personal injury matters (both for the plaintiff and the defendant).


As an Independent Litigation Consultant, Adams can quickly and confidentially evaluate the current status and likely outcome of the legal issues involved in virtually any civil litigation, regardless of the complexity or current posture of the case.  Without jeopardizing your relationship with your existing attorney or incurring substantial additional cost, you may have the benefit of his valuable and independent legal opinions.


Call today for a confidential consultation and review.